Understand How Your Gut Controls Your Allergies

Understand How Your Gut Controls Your Allergies

If you’ve ever been on the receiving end of an allergy attack, then you know just how debilitating and miserable allergies can be. In fact, it’s believed that as much as 30% of the world’s population suffers from allergies to some degree. Whether they’re seasonal or year-round, what most people don’t know is that allergies are directly related to gut health. 

That’s right, itchy eyes, a scratchy throat, and those bothersome sneezing fits can all be linked back the GI tract. That being said, even though you have no control over environmental factors, you do have control over the way your body responds to allergens.

So, if you’re tired of trying to manage your symptoms with OTC medications and monthly doctor visits, in this article, we’re going to be covering how your gut health affects allergies and why colonic irrigation is a highly effective treatment.

Understanding Allergies and Immune Health

Breaking it down to the simplest of terms, allergies are caused when your body overreacts to an external object that it doesn’t agree with. Depending on exposure to the substance and health of your immune system, the allergic response can range in degrees from minimal to extreme.

The first reason your body may react negatively to an allergen is when your immune system is weakened or compromised, leaving you susceptible to bacteria and viruses that it would otherwise have no problem fighting off. With your immune system’s guard down, the body can’t effectively eliminate allergens, leaving them to wreak havoc unchecked.

On the other hand, if your immune system is overly sensitive to allergens, the body will identify the allergen as a harmful substance and produce antibodies that cause symptoms such as itchy eyes, a scratchy throat, and a runny nose.

Now, you may be wondering to yourself, how all of this is linked to your gut health? As it turns out, nearly 80% of your immune system lives in your GI tract.

Within your digestive tract, there are literally trillions of microbes and friendly bacteria that all work together to help you fight off illness, digest food, and eliminate waste. When this ecosystem is in good health, your friendly flora is able to overwhelm “bad guys”, create a protective barrier along the intestinal tract to prevent allergens and toxins from being absorbed, and produce antibodies that fight off stubborn invaders.

The takeaway point here is, if your body negatively responds to allergens, it’s because there’s a lack of beneficial bacteria that leads your immune system incorrectly identify substances that enter the body

How the Gut Determines Your Allergic Response

Even though we covered this topic briefly above, in order for you to get a full understanding of the way allergies work, you have to get a better idea of the challenges your immune system has faced. Scientists have long understood that the first few years of life will largely determine how effective your immune system will function going forward.

From the moment we’re born, our bodies are exposed to hundreds of millions of different microbes, which, even though that sounds bad, actually helps train and prepare our immune system. This is because different microbes help to diversify the guts ecosystem by challenging it with new invaders and telling it how to respond.

Microbe exposure early on also largely determines how effective the immune system will be at identifying harmful invaders such as bad bacteria and viruses, and not overreacting to non-harmful allergens that are introduced either naturally or through diet.

In further support of this, one study found that one-month-old infants lacking specific microbes in the gut biome had a 300% higher risk of developing allergies by the age of two and asthma by the age of four.

Why “Sparkling Clean” Isn’t Always Best

Now, we’re not saying that cleanliness and personal hygiene aren’t important, because they certainly are, but instead, we’re addressing the germophobic overtone that society as a whole has adopted. As new medicines continue to come out for seemingly any “illness” you can imagine and society pushes clean environments above all else, our bodies are no longer being exposed to the diverse range of microbes they were in the past.

In support, scientists believe this is why asthma rates have been skyrocketing in many countries over recent years. Even though our obsession with sanitizing and using antimicrobial agents may sound good, we’re severely limiting the types of microbes our bodies are introduced to.

While it wouldn’t be a good idea to eliminate soap from your household and pass up on normal hygiene habits, introducing more microbes into your life can help your immune system get back on track.

How Colonic Irrigation Can Help

When your immune system is compromised or lacking the strength it needs to properly identify harmful substances, it can be difficult to rectify the problem strictly through dietary and supplementary means. This is especially true if there are large numbers of bad bacteria that have been allowed to proliferate throughout the intestinal tract, making them even harder to get rid of.

The reason colonic irrigation is one of the most effective treatment options for patients suffering from chronic allergies is because it can reach areas of the colon that supplements and medications are unable to at full strength. By gently introducing the lower and upper colon to purified water, colonic irrigation can safely remove bad bacteria. As water fills the colon, it will trigger peristalsis and free up hardened fecal matter, toxins, and bad bacterial blooms to be safely expelled.

Here at the Colon Care Clinic, we give our clients the option to add organic coffee to their colonic hydrotherapy sessions, further increasing the effectiveness of the treatment. Many of the 10,000+ patients we’ve treated since founding in 1997 have come to us with terrible allergy problems which were drastically reduced and, in some cases, completely eliminated with colonic irrigation.

If you would like to experience these same results, contact us today to set up a free consultation in which you’ll meet with one of our colon care specialists that can create a custom treatment plan to address your problem areas.